Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Grades / Last post

Grades are posted here [PDF], sorted by the last 4 digits of your student number.  If there is an error, please let me know immediately.

  • These grades are for section Z only. Professor Turpin will distribute the grades for section M.
  • These grades are unofficial until approved by the department.  Occasionally, the department will require changes to the final grades, either to raise or lower.
  • If you did not write the final exam for any reason (including an approved request for deferred standing), your grade does not appear here.
Please address questions on final exam grading as follows: for the written part, please ask me; for the labtest part, please ask Professor Turpin.

Enjoy your summer.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Final signin counts

Here (PDF)  are the final counts for lab attendance.

If your CSE number is on the list, and your attendance count is less than 4, then you receive an automatic grade of zero for the final exam (both the written and labtest parts).  This is consistent with course policies, which have been mentioned frequently in class and on this website.

If your CSE number is not on the list, then either (1) you have no prism account on file (in which case, for obvious reasons, we count your signins as zero), or (2) according to our records, you are not enrolled in the course.

If you believe there is an error in your attendance count, please contact me immediately.

Division of the class for the final

The final exam takes place on Friday, April 15, from 9 AM to 12 noon.

There is a written part and a labtest part. Both parts have time limits of 80 minutes, with a 20 minute break in between.  The written part takes place in CSE lecture hall C (in the basement), and the labtest part takes place in the Prism lab.
  • If your last name starts with the letter A-L: You will be doing the labtest part first.  Go to the lab at 9 AM.
  • If your last name starts with the letter M-Z: You will be doing the written part first.  Go to CSE C at 9 AM.
  • Exception: Everyone with arrangements through the Alternate Exam Centre will do the labtest part first.
For the first part of the test, you will not be permitted to leave until 80 minutes have elapsed. For the second part, you can leave at any time.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Beware of Fraudulent Exam Site

I just received the following message, which was sent to all students, and am posting it here for your info.

It has come to my attention that there is a website that is falsely offering to sell final examinations in a number of York University courses.  Not only is this information false but it could also result in the fraudulent use of your credit card and personal information.

Faculty members of York University personally prepare each of their examinations.  Examinations are not stored in a central data bank.

The information and claims found on the website cannot be trusted and I strongly encourage you to ignore the site.

If you have questions or concerns about your upcoming examinations I encourage you to speak with your professor or an academic adviser.  

Information on preparing for tests and examinations and dealing with exam anxiety is available at the following:

Also please note that exam prep and peer advising sessions will be taking place in Counselling and Disability Services in N102 Bennett Centre on April 14, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m., and April 19, 10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m..

I wish you all the best in your finals.

Patrick Monahan
Vice President Academic & Provost, York University

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What's testable for Written Test 3 and Labtest 3

Everything in the entire course is testable, except GUI.  For greater clarity, GUI will be on neither the written test nor the labtest.

Although everything except GUI is testable, emphasis will be on the material covered since Test 2.  This includes:
  • Recursion, including recursive sorting
  • Linked lists
  • Inner classes
  • Generics
  • Iterable and Iterator

Monday, April 4, 2011


I have completed all the regrading requests. If I missed yours, please let me know by email immediately.  Sorry for the long delay ...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lab 8, lab 7 signins

Lab 8 is here. Last lab!

Lab 7 signins are here.

Grading error

Due to an error on the grading key for test 2, question 1a was marked out of 2 marks, rather than 3.  As a result, we are now taking the entire test out of 19 marks, rather than 20.  Thus, if you got 2 marks on question 1a, you got full marks.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Teaching evaluations

This morning's delay was my fault, I misread the schedule.  Teaching evaluations will take place in Friday's class.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Forgot to announce this in class: for those of you who have to write the makeup test #2, it will be on Wednesday, March 23, from 2:30-4 PM (during the lab, like the makeup test #1).

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

UPDATE, Lab and signins posted: Lab this week

There will be a lab this week, and it will be posted on Tuesday. I will also post the most recent sign-in lists on Tuesday. The past little while has been very busy for me -- thanks for your patience.


Lab 6 is here.  The lab is about GUI.

The Lab 5 signin list is here.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Written Test 2

Everything is testable up to, but not including, GUI.  Recursion is not testable.  Material covered before Test 1 is testable, but not emphasized.  Exceptions are testable to the extent that you know about them from 1020.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lab 5 and 5a solutions

Sorry, I'm having a very busy week and won't be able to give feedback on lab submissions prior to the labtest.  However, here are solutions to Lab 5 and Lab 5a; hopefully this will help you out.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lab 5a

I've posted a new lab to give you more practice with inheritance: Lab 5a

In case you're wondering, the "a" is for "awesome".

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What I did on my reading week

If you want to know what I'm up to for reading week (and why I'm away for a few days next week), see here.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lab 4 signins

If your prism login is on this list, you signed in for lab 4.  If not, you were marked as absent. This list should include those who wrote their makeup test on Wednesday.

New lab feedback procedure

I seem to be losing a lot of feedback requests.  From now on, please follow the following procedure to get best results:

  1. Request feedback from your section's instructor.  If you're in my section, ask me; if you're in Prof. Turpin's section, ask him.
  2. If you're requesting feedback from me, send me an email (here's my contact info) with subject line: "CSE 1030 Lab X Feedback Request" (where X = the lab for which you are requesting feedback). That will make it easier to find the email later.
  3. Send a feedback request for each lab.  If you ask for lab 4 feedback, you will not automatically get feedback for lab 5 or 6.
For labs 4, 5, and 6, I will try to complete all feedback requests prior to Labtest 2.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lab 4 and 5 open thread

I was a bit late with this.

Also: I understand there was only one TA available on Wednesday afternoon.  That was due to special circumstances, normally there will be three TAs available.   Sorry to anyone who wasn't able to have their question answered ...

Schedule adjustments

I mentioned that I would be away for a couple of classes after Reading Week.  Here are the post-reading-week lecture schedule adjustments for my section:
  • Monday Feb 28: Lecture is on. You will get your written test 1 back, and the TA will be available to go over it.  If time permits, the TA may go over some of the labtest questions.
  • Wednesday Mar 2: Lecture is CANCELLED. However, to make up for this cancellation, there will be a lecture on Monday March 14 (the day of test 2).
  • Friday Mar 4 and following: We return to your regularly scheduled program.
There is no change to the lab schedule, and no change to Prof. Turpin's section.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Small change to sign-in policy

Because one lab period was missed due to the winter storm, a small change has been made to the lab sign-in policy: you are now required to sign in to at least four labs (out of 8), not five labs (out of 9).

Friday, February 11, 2011

UPDATE 2: Makeup test 1

The makeup test for those who couldn't attend Test 1 will be Wednesday, Feb 16, from 2:30-4 PM.

Let me know if you can't make it.

UPDATE: To be clear, if you are not writing the makeup test, then go to the lab and sign in, as usual.

UPDATE 2: The makeup test will be in CSEB 2002.  People writing the makeup test will receive a sign-in credit.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday's labtest: Power is on in CSEB

The computer science and engineering building is not affected by the current power outage.  The Thursday labtest will go ahead as scheduled.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Written Test 1 details

Location: CSE building, lecture hall A
Time: Monday, February 7, 5:30-7 PM

The test covers static features, non-static features, aggregates (i.e., objects within classes), and arrays.

Section Z lecture (Prof. Eckford, 1030-1130) is canceled on Monday; just go to the test.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Section M room change

Effective immediately, Section M lectures (with Prof. Turpin) will be held in ACE 011.

Section Z lectures (with Prof. Eckford) will remain in CLH B.

Labtest 1 and Written Test 1 open thread

Go nuts.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

UPDATED: University closed Wed Feb 2

The university is closed Wed Feb 2 due to the snowstorm. Lectures and labs are canceled.

UPDATE: Prof. Turpin's Thursday office hour is cancelled.  Assuming the university is open, the lab will be available during the normal Thursday lab period, but the lab is optional and sign-in is not required.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Labtest 1 postponed

In anticipation of the major storm expected for tomorrow, Labtest 1 is postponed to next week.

BOTH THE WEDNESDAY AND THE THURSDAY LABTESTS ARE POSTPONED.  They will now be held on Wed, Feb 9 and Thurs, Feb 10.

If the university is not closed, the labs will be open for regular work.  However, the lab will be optional -- no sign-in required.

Tell your friends!

Lab 3 signins

If your CSE number is on this list, you signed in for Lab 3.  If not, then you were marked as absent.

UPDATED: Labtest 1 weather update

As long as the university is open, Labtest 1 will go ahead.  Here is the university's weather status page.

Labtest 1 is postponed.

If the university is open, the lab will be open for you to work, if you wish.  No sign-in required.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lab 2 signins

If your CSE number is on this list, you signed in for Lab 2.  If not, then you were marked as absent.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Lecture is cancelled today (Jan 19) for Section M.  Prof. Turpin is sick.

All labs are running as scheduled.

Test 1 and 2 dates

Test 1 will be held on Monday, February 7, from 5:30 PM - 7 PM (1730-1900).  Location TBA.

Test 2 will be held on Monday, March 14, from 5:30 PM - 7 PM (1730-1900).  Location TBA.

On test days, the regular Section Z lecture is cancelled.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Assigned reading; Non-static features & Lab 2 open thread

 Assigned reading: Textbook pages 324-328 (Javadoc).

Discuss non-static features and Lab 2 in this thread.  Lab 2 has been posted on the course calendar.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Lab 1 Sign-ins; Critique on request (UPDATED)

 Two things:
  1. If your prism login (CSE number) is on this list, then you signed in for lab 1.  If it is not on the list, then you were marked as absent for lab 1. UPDATE: If you forgot to sign in for lab 1, send me an email and give me the name of someone who can vouch for your presence at the lab.  LAST WARNING -- we won't let you do this again. For all future labs, sign in or you will be marked absent.
  2. As you know, the labs are not for marks.  However, if you used the "submit" command to submit your work (as requested in the lab), you may request a critique (just send your professor an email).

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lab 1 feedback (UPDATE: How not to use Eclipse)

Just saw the following in the comments:

Just wanted to let you know, The lab was of no use. The TA's didn't help at all in the lab. I couldn't complete the lab in the given time and there were only two TA's and we were divided into 2 labs so we couldn't get enough time. If it keeps going the way it is then I won't learn much sir.

Sorry to hear that! I stopped by the lab and thought the TA was working very hard to answer questions.

The lab is there for you guys to learn.  So what's the general impression of the lab? Good, bad? What suggestions do you have for improvement?

UPDATE: People are having issues with Eclipse.  Fair enough, Eclipse is confusing and I personally don't use it.  When I do examples in class, I do everything on the command line, which is much easier in my opinion.

Here's how to write, compile, and run Java from the command line:

Step 1: Make a directory for your project, e.g. myproject, and change to that directory (this step is optional, but makes things cleaner for you):
mkdir myproject
cd myproject
(omit the mkdir command if the directory already exists)

Step 2: Write your java class, e.g., using a text editor.  In class I use nano (there are lots of alternatives if you don't like nano):
Repeat Step 2 for each class you need to write.  Make sure all your classes are in the same directory (e.g., myproject).

Step 3: Compile your java classes, e.g., for
javac -cp .
Repeat Step 3 for each class you wrote, although if you compile the right class java will figure out the dependencies and compile everything for you.  Go back to step 2 if you need to fix errors.

The "-cp ." option tells the java compiler to look in the current directory for all needed class files.

Step 4: Run the java class containing the "main" method, e.g., for MyClass:
java -cp . MyClass
 Some more useful Unix commands: ls (list files), rm (remove i.e. delete), cp (copy).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How to Sign In to the Lab

To sign in:

  1. Log in to one of the machines in the lab
  2. Open a terminal.
  3. From the terminal, enter:
If you don't see any error message, it worked. If you have trouble, ask the TA.

NOTE: This is our only way of taking attendance.  If you don't sign in, you will be marked as absent.

Monday, January 10, 2011

In-class code examples

In-class code examples have been posted here.  These will be updated regularly.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Open thread: Static features & Lab 1

This week we are talking about static features of classes.  Discuss in this thread.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

No labs this week

Labs start on Monday, January 10.  Here's the weekly course schedule.


Welcome to the official CSE 1030 announcement blog for Winter 2010/11.