- Log in to one of the machines in the lab
- Open a terminal.
- From the terminal, enter:
/cs/course/1030/signinIf you don't see any error message, it worked. If you have trouble, ask the TA.
NOTE: This is our only way of taking attendance. If you don't sign in, you will be marked as absent.
% submit 1030 PEx01 pex01 cse03307@red
ReplyDeletezsh: correct 'PEx01' to 'pex01' [nyae]? n
error: course 1030 has no submit directory for assignment PEx01
On a side note, java.nanorc may be in /usr/share/nano/ may be at /usr/share/doc/nano/
Sorry, a part of my shell prompt go left in the command in the last post. The command I used to submit was
ReplyDelete% submit 1030 PEx01 pex0
Whoops. Try it now.
ReplyDeleteIt works, perfect. :)
ReplyDelete// Also I should not be allowed to be near a keyboard. I noticed that I typo'd it again in the second comment.
@Yuen: Suggested alternative: Buy a giant touchscreen. :D
ReplyDelete@Asim, I'll look into it, thanks! ;)
ReplyDelete@Prof E: When I said nano has built-in syntax highlighting. I was only partially correct. Nano 2.0.6 (the version I have with snow leopard) doesn't. It also wasn't compiled against regular expression so normal .nanorc files didn't work.
To keep the promise, and so reading code would be easier in class, I've wrote my own .java.nanorc. To install, open up the terminal and type the following commands (or paste the whole block). Please let me know if there are any problems.
cd ~
curl -O http://dl.dropbox.com/u/156744/.java.nanorc
echo "include \"$HOME/.java.nanorc\"" > .nanorc
@all, If any other students wants to use nano as their default editor, they should be able to use the same command to get syntax highlighting working in GNU/Linux (and Mac, obv.). These commands creates two (hidden) new files, .java.nanorc and .nanorc. It also automatically replaces any previous versions.
Mac doesn't come with wget, so I used curl. If you don't have curl either you can always download the .java.nanorc manually from your web browser, and the "mv" it to .java.nanorc.
I was going to create a shell script, but I thought people will feel safer knowing what's going on.
@Prof. E. again: Another thing came up while writing: Would it be possible to enable either pre, code, or tt tag? It makes reading code easier. (Monospaced). If this does before the main method of communication, and used to post snippets of codes.
I apologize in advance for typos.