Friday, February 18, 2011

New lab feedback procedure

I seem to be losing a lot of feedback requests.  From now on, please follow the following procedure to get best results:

  1. Request feedback from your section's instructor.  If you're in my section, ask me; if you're in Prof. Turpin's section, ask him.
  2. If you're requesting feedback from me, send me an email (here's my contact info) with subject line: "CSE 1030 Lab X Feedback Request" (where X = the lab for which you are requesting feedback). That will make it easier to find the email later.
  3. Send a feedback request for each lab.  If you ask for lab 4 feedback, you will not automatically get feedback for lab 5 or 6.
For labs 4, 5, and 6, I will try to complete all feedback requests prior to Labtest 2.

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