Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lab 2 signins

If your CSE number is on this list, you signed in for Lab 2.  If not, then you were marked as absent.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Lecture is cancelled today (Jan 19) for Section M.  Prof. Turpin is sick.

All labs are running as scheduled.

Test 1 and 2 dates

Test 1 will be held on Monday, February 7, from 5:30 PM - 7 PM (1730-1900).  Location TBA.

Test 2 will be held on Monday, March 14, from 5:30 PM - 7 PM (1730-1900).  Location TBA.

On test days, the regular Section Z lecture is cancelled.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Assigned reading; Non-static features & Lab 2 open thread

 Assigned reading: Textbook pages 324-328 (Javadoc).

Discuss non-static features and Lab 2 in this thread.  Lab 2 has been posted on the course calendar.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Lab 1 Sign-ins; Critique on request (UPDATED)

 Two things:
  1. If your prism login (CSE number) is on this list, then you signed in for lab 1.  If it is not on the list, then you were marked as absent for lab 1. UPDATE: If you forgot to sign in for lab 1, send me an email and give me the name of someone who can vouch for your presence at the lab.  LAST WARNING -- we won't let you do this again. For all future labs, sign in or you will be marked absent.
  2. As you know, the labs are not for marks.  However, if you used the "submit" command to submit your work (as requested in the lab), you may request a critique (just send your professor an email).

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lab 1 feedback (UPDATE: How not to use Eclipse)

Just saw the following in the comments:

Just wanted to let you know, The lab was of no use. The TA's didn't help at all in the lab. I couldn't complete the lab in the given time and there were only two TA's and we were divided into 2 labs so we couldn't get enough time. If it keeps going the way it is then I won't learn much sir.

Sorry to hear that! I stopped by the lab and thought the TA was working very hard to answer questions.

The lab is there for you guys to learn.  So what's the general impression of the lab? Good, bad? What suggestions do you have for improvement?

UPDATE: People are having issues with Eclipse.  Fair enough, Eclipse is confusing and I personally don't use it.  When I do examples in class, I do everything on the command line, which is much easier in my opinion.

Here's how to write, compile, and run Java from the command line:

Step 1: Make a directory for your project, e.g. myproject, and change to that directory (this step is optional, but makes things cleaner for you):
mkdir myproject
cd myproject
(omit the mkdir command if the directory already exists)

Step 2: Write your java class, e.g., using a text editor.  In class I use nano (there are lots of alternatives if you don't like nano):
Repeat Step 2 for each class you need to write.  Make sure all your classes are in the same directory (e.g., myproject).

Step 3: Compile your java classes, e.g., for
javac -cp .
Repeat Step 3 for each class you wrote, although if you compile the right class java will figure out the dependencies and compile everything for you.  Go back to step 2 if you need to fix errors.

The "-cp ." option tells the java compiler to look in the current directory for all needed class files.

Step 4: Run the java class containing the "main" method, e.g., for MyClass:
java -cp . MyClass
 Some more useful Unix commands: ls (list files), rm (remove i.e. delete), cp (copy).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How to Sign In to the Lab

To sign in:

  1. Log in to one of the machines in the lab
  2. Open a terminal.
  3. From the terminal, enter:
If you don't see any error message, it worked. If you have trouble, ask the TA.

NOTE: This is our only way of taking attendance.  If you don't sign in, you will be marked as absent.

Monday, January 10, 2011

In-class code examples

In-class code examples have been posted here.  These will be updated regularly.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Open thread: Static features & Lab 1

This week we are talking about static features of classes.  Discuss in this thread.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

No labs this week

Labs start on Monday, January 10.  Here's the weekly course schedule.


Welcome to the official CSE 1030 announcement blog for Winter 2010/11.